Once you've set your custom channel, it's time to start generating huge amounts of traffic to your videos by optimizing them. It's pretty easy to do. Just need to know what ' actually ' gets real results. Things that will be covered include:
Search by keyword ToolTag keyword/Spy updates from Youtube on competitionTitle optimizationDescription Tag optimizationYoutube AnalyticsLet's Start
1. keyword research using Youtube Keyword Tool
Until I learned to use it, never fully used the tool to my marketing campaigns. There are a few things you should know: ' not enough data ' means that the keyword is searched for less than 5,000 times per month. This has been interpreted as generally stay away from, but after research and testing, we know that these are actually good target keywords.
To access this tool, click here: https://ads.YouTube. com/_keywordtool
Which keywords will target?
2. Tag updates to spy on your competition
It is common in the industry to hear phrases like, "SEO is dead" and "SEO is a waste of time" and "Google changes their algorithm too." It is a fact that Youtube has gone through major changes from Google itself. One of the most important changes they have done recently is completely get rid of ' Tag '.
Identifying classified video and copy the tag was fairly commonplace among video marketing. Now the tags are hidden ... unless you press right click on the mouse and ' view page source ' and read the meta tags of keywords. Using this simple strategy allows you to spy on your competition to identify keywords.
3. optimizing title tags
How to properly optimize your Title tags for results? First identify a primary key to base the videos off and then identify a secondary keyword. Then you create a Title Tag that uses both. Display the primary keyword first and then enter the secondary later. Add some effects to make attractive title and you're done with this step.
The following is an example of such:
Video Marketing-5 reasons why you should do Video Marketing today
4. optimizing description
I experienced massive results with my marketing video when I followed this simple trick I am going to teach you.
Put the keyword first in descriptionInclude a link immediately afterWrite a 200-400 Word posts and put the primary keyword of your choice.YouTube is supporting sites that put more content in the description box. It works wonders. Try it and share your experience with me.
5. Youtube Analytics
To access Google analytics youtube, click here:
Just by using my YouTube Analytics and make some changes, I have been able to significantly increase my vista. There are some key indicators that you should pay attention to. They are:
SourcesSuggested VideosComments TrafficWatch one of your videos, then analyze traffic sources. This will tell you exactly what people are typing into search engines and Youtube to find your videos. You'll identify the keywords that have put the Title Tag, this will build trust. The next thing that you want to analyze is the Youtube video suggested. This helps you understand what viewers were watching before you watch yours. While your video may not get a lot of comments, you can still learn from those you've gotten and analyze trends.
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