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It seems that the duplicate content “penalty” myth just won’t die any time soon. Once again, an example of a new marketer getting misled about duplicate content and a so-called “penalty” imposed by Google.
I was wondering if you could explain something for me. First of all I should say
I am a complete newbie.I am just starting with article marketing as a traffic generation source because
I understand it and it makes sense to me.I want to start to submit my articles to the various articles directories you
have listed on your site someone has told me that google will penalize me, for duplicate content,
if I submit the same article to different directories.If I write 10 articles…can I post that group of articles to each of the
different directories i.e. post all 10 articles to and then
post the exact same 10 articles on without penalty for
posting duplicate content on different directories?
There is no Google duplicate content penalty. What happens is Google, wherever it sees an article first, will likely defer to that URL for ranking purposes. The rest of the time it sees that exact article, it will blow it off. Since Google makes money by having a diverse and rich selection of different types of content in it’s results, it doesn’t want all top 10 results to be the same article on different sites.
The main purpose of article syndication is not to get into the top 10 listings with every iteration of the same article. It is 1) to get direct traffic from the places you syndicate that article and 2) to get any link love back to your site with your article’s signature.
The only people who call not getting all 10 spots in the top 10 a penalty are people who are trying to manipulate Google in a way they’ve long since fixed.
Just syndicate your articles for direct traffic and backlinks to your main site. There is no penalty related to duplicate content other than the fact that Google won’t list the same content in it’s results if it has already chosen which copy of the article it wants to rank.
I’m very excited to announce that Amplify now supports auto-posting to WordPress and Blogger. Just like auto-posting from Amplify to Posterous or Tumblr, whether it’s a clip, URL, microblog or full blog post on Amplify, the full content of your Amp will be posted to your blog.
You can easily set up Amplify to autopost to your favorite sites by visiting Settings >> Autopost.
A few notes to be aware of:1. Support for Wordpress includes self-hosted Wordpress blogs as well as those on
2. does not support all types of video, so only YouTube videos that you Amplify will display properly when post them to a blog.Read more at
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My friend Gideon Shalwick has released a new video quick call eBook blog - the new Way To easily dominate your niche thanks to YouTube. 92 Page report should exit at 10 H tomorrow but I see that the page sales are direct now I figure, I give you guys come to begin before the crowds.
Quick video blogs teaches the exact method Gideon to enter several times to dominate and invoice a niche like - within days!The eBook is complete libre.Parmi highlights:
The exact same model Gideon to create lists of e-mail in the tens of thousands and cash in six figures.How to remove completely any constraint or a reluctance to produce quality videos, as easily as of talk about the configuration of your fridge.Gideon makes 600% faster to create videos that systematic videos turning quickly created by fast to squeeze every last cashflow.How process average.A's personal video blogs abandon your video views and turn into cold hard cash in your hand by Friday evening.Win an iPad Apple just to download fast video blogs
Launch the quick video blog, Gideon is give 3 iPads .Et Apple is really easy to enter!All you need to do to participate in the contest, is to leave a quick comment in the video Blog.That's it! when you download fast video blogs, you will get the URL private blog.
In addition to the free eBook and iPad contest, fast video blogs blog has some really great videos to help regarder.La first video is already and it is well worth watching as it strengthens the lessons taught in the .Profitez eBook!
Click here download fast video blog eBook for free
My friends at Unique Designs of Blog (they are the guys who designed this blog) has created a great new plugin WordPress which can create instantly email capture squeeze page. Using plug-in squeeze, you can create pages squeeze on a WordPress theme with a simple drag and drop and facilitated.
Squeeze page is the most effective to create a large mailing list. As you know, the largest segment of my blog income comes from my email list. This is the basis for my entire operation. In the past, I had all my squeeze pages custom. Then Unique Design's Blog introduced the theme squeeze and cutting work approximately 20 minutes. With squeeze plug-in, you can literally create a page squeeze in less than a minute!Do not believe me? watch this video and see for yourself.
Installation of squeeze plug-in is a simple download and activate the case. Creating a new page of squeeze, it's simple.Plug-in squeeze costs $ the 97 (use coupon code 9D1790206E to 15% reduction), which is less than what I used to pay to have a page squeeze plug-in créée.Le squeeze to create squeeze an unlimited number of pages on an unlimited number of blogs. If you are an internet marketing agency, you already know how much of things is.
Plug-in squeeze is covered by the single for 30 days of drawings and Blog templates no questions asked money back guarantee.Try plug-in squeeze full during 30 jours.Si is not all that you hoped, send UBD email and they will send you your remboursement.Si you want to test drive plug-in squeeze before to buy it, UBD has a program that allows. head over for full details.
Create pages squeeze instant in WordPress with the plug-in squeeze
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Original Post: I'll be speaking at the Blog world 2010
Most Sought-After Work at Home Guide, written by Holly Mann - single mom, disabled veteran. No Hype - Honest Legit techniques taught in a step-by-step guide. Also have access to 24/7 support forum. Sick of the scams? Learn to work at home for real.
If you regarded dot Com Pho episode yesterday, you know that one of the things that we talked about was a day open of $ 8 million. The House in question is located at 3709 Sunset Avenue in West Vancouver. Normally, $ 8 million houses hold doors open. However, the real estate market is pretty hammer and Realtors trying what whether getting a House sold. This includes them open the doors to a House that would normally be strictly by appointment only.
3709 Twilight House is truly a world class residence. Generator of Paul Fedusiak and Graig Chevalier architect created an ultra modern contemporary House that took over three years to complete.Offer home almost 7,000 square space of life with a flow huge plane opened on the main with floor to ceiling to enjoy other features from this point of view incroyable.Les Windows floor include the Eastern floors white oak and vesicular basalt stone, gastronomic cuisine, wine room, media room, infinity pool more spa, full air conditioning, private outdoor terraces, barbecue area and fire pit.
The constructor will receive 8 million dollars for it?If it does, it will prove the saying goes, "there is a sucker born every minute."However, if you want to make an offer, saying that I had you envoyé.Je Karim am enough return on a $ 8 million home costs may buy a really nice dinner.
I’ll admit that I have a love/hate relationship with Twitter. I LOVE that Twitter is hyper effective tool to grow our online friends/fan bases and get content to go viral. I HATE that Twitter is constantly not working due to some unknown technical error.
After having to shut down for 12 hours on Monday due to a database error, Twitter is tired of all the technical issues too, so they’re opening their own Data Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. (sigh of relief)
Until now Twitter used NTT America’s data center where they did not have full control over their network and system configurations to meet their very specific needs.
Here’s what we should be able to expect from Twitter having their own data center.
1- Twitter is tacking on new users at an ever increasing pace, one of the reasons Twitter can’t seem to stay up and running. A new, dedicated data center will allow Twitter to configure their data center to handle the growth. (the extra power will help as well)
2- With events like the World Cup, people Tweet A LOT more and Twitter has been pretty shaky trying to handle the massive amount traffic. The increase power of the new database will enable Twitter to facilitate way more Tweets with out interruption.
3- Twitter has had to shut down a lot of applications to conserve space and power to keep up with everything. The new data center will give them room to expand their applications and push their new Ads layout.
The data center’s potential positive effects are all great, but even Twitter engineer, Cozzatti, stated that “We frequently compare the tasks of scaling, maintaining, and tweaking Twitter to building a rocket in mid-flight,” meaning that this could all take a bit to fix and straighten out.
Do you think Twitter is yet to reach it’s full potential as they still struggle to find a way to accommodate all their new features and users? Comment Below, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
A lot goes on every week in the world of Internet marketing, social media and search engines. So much that I don’t really have the time to blog about everything that I want to. So, I’m going to do something new this Friday and give you a recap of the stuff that I wanted to say something about.
#1- Facebook is adding an ‘ask a question’ feature to a select amount of profiles. This feature is available in your status bar, but instead of making some sort of statement, you can pose a question that is visible for everyone in Facebook to answer.
Notice that EVERYONE can view your questions, so to me it sounds like another great way for Facebook to keep users from leaving their site. With that being said, I’m sure Facebook has something bigger in mind. They announced that they won’t be giving search engines access to this info, but I’m guessing it’s because they want to keep it for their own search engine.
#2- Google is dominating the mobile search market. Go figure, right? They hold a modest 98.29% of mobile searches.
Sure, Google can be frustrating, but you can’t deny that they own the search engine market, which means we have to be paying attention to news like this. And in times like this, SEO for Google is vital for your search engine success because organic Google results are getting the vast majority of search engine clicks.
#3- I’ll end my rant today with one more note about Google. One of their employees made a fantastic statement that,
I can assure you that the last thing we want is for the business who hires the best SEO to win a better slot. But, the SEOs are, unfortunately, pretty good at what they do, and so sometimes they out smart us.
I’m not a Blackhatter, so this isn’t me telling you to go out and take advantage of Google with underhanded tricks. However well they may work, they will eventually get you into serious trouble. But with that said, Google is admitting that they aren’t the all powerful, untouchable that we think they are.
Google has a method to its madness, despite the fact that it changes from time to time, it’s not impossible to figure out. And it’s very possible make Google work for you without getting in a heap of trouble. Let this statement empower you!
Agree or disagree with any of my opinions? Let me know with a comment below!
If you’re curious about some ways to take advantage of Google’s weaknesses without getting banned or slapped, check out my self-made and tested system to get top rankings with Google. Click Here now to learn about the ‘Perpetual Traffic Formula.”
Comscore, le célèbre cabinet de recherche et d’étude, vient de publier une étude sur le développement d’internet en Asie, en date de Juillet 2010. L’étude ComScore présente l’Asie comme un moteur mondial pour le web, avec 39 millions de nouveaux internautes de plus de 15 ans en 2010.
Plus précisément, la Chine est le leader des pays asiatiques en nombre d’internautes avec 263,8 millions d’internautes et une croissance de +31% entre mai 2009 et mai 2010 !
Où en est l’expansion d’internet en Asie en Chine ? Quelle population se connecte ? Où en sont les internautes asiatiques sur les réseaux sociaux comme Facebook, twitter ou encore Youtube ?
Si l’usage d’internet est encore relativement faible en Asie par rapport aux pays occidentaux, l’apparition des connexions haut débit permet au web de se démocratiser et d’intensifier son usage.
La population asiatique est de plus en plus jeune : 33% des internautes ont entre 15 et 24 ans en 2010, ce chiffre montant jusqu’à 40% pour les Philippines. On assiste aussi à une féminisation du web, les femmes représentant parfois plus de 50% des internautes comme en Nouvelle-Zélande, à Singapoure ou encore, à Hong Kong.
Facebook vient de rejoindre le Top 10 des sites les plus visités en Asie ! Les asiatiques semblent très friands du réseau social puisque c’est le site où ils passent le plus de temps en 2010 après TenCent.
La plupart des internautes de cette région utilise les moteurs de recherche dominés pas Google et Baidu mais les réseaux sociaux et les sites de divertissements occupent une grande partie de leur temps.
Facebook envahit l’Asie : 83% des internautes malaisiens passent par la plateforme sociale et y consacrent 23% de leur temps de connexion, par exemple !
Globalement, la pénétration de twitter a doublé au cours de l’année écoulée. Dans certains pays asiatiques, sa croissance a été presque multipliée par 3 comme au Japon, en Inde et en Corée.
En plus de sa croissance industrielle phénoménale, l’Asie et la Chine se lancent dans le web à la même vitesse. La démocratisation des connexions haut débit vont permettre à internet de pénétrer de plus en plus les foyers asiatiques et leur permettre de surfer davantage.
Enfin, les réseaux sociaux apparaissent comme le levier majeur de développement du web en Asie, notamment en Asie du Sud Est. Cette tendance « 2.0? se traduit par une forte viralité de l’information sur internet, notamment à travers du contenu vidéo et le succès des jeux en ligne.
L’e-commerce ne fait que ses premiers pas en Asie, l’implantation d’une activité de commerce en ligne devant intégrer les nombreuses variables entre les différents régions.
Téléchargez l’étude ComScore sur l’état du web en Asie en 2010 !
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It seems that new iAds Apple advertising platform turns out to be a boost for developers. Jason Ting, a developer application iPhone, has published its results running the new network advertising Apple and it is very impressive: support of $ 1400 in one day for its iPhone app 4 iAds.
IPhone program of Ting to enable flash to your iPhone, a new feature for the iPhone 4 in flashlight LED.alors application has obtained a solid number of downloads, which has impressed many Ting was the amount of money made from iAds application.
Flashlight App LED de Ting generated $ 1,372.20 recipes in a journée.Ce which is even more impressive, is that the (effective cost per 1000) eCPM was a 147.55 $ while! It's even more that what makes this blog!
11.8% Click rate is extremely high but iAds is a new way of advertising to high clicks are expected.It will be interesting to see if the click holds in time.
As nice as providing $ 1,400 is one day, Ting could do even better once Apple ramps up to .Droit platform now, they are able to fill only 34.9% of Ting.Si Apple stock is able to sell out Ting it get up to $ 4,000 per day!
Now if you'll forgive me, I'll imagine a powered iAds iPhone app...
Olivier Sauvage (Capitaine Commerce), Laurent Evain (I Love web) et moi-même, Lionel Damm (On prend un café) sommes à l’origine d’un podcast barcamp vidéo, premier du genre : Diiink TV (avec trois « i »).
Je laisse la parole à Laurent Evain qui vous présente l’initiative, pour notre première intervention :
Diiink TV, c’est un concentré mensuel de l’actualité web grâce à un podcast sous forme de barcamp vidéo pour échanger autour de l’e-commerce, le webdesign, les médias sociaux et la vie online, plus généralement.
Voici le second épisode : l’e-commerce, la guerrilla marketing et la gestion des retours de produits :
Pour cette épisode, Laurent Evain reçoit Gaylord d’Effisys, Nicolas de Geek’s Paradise, Irwan d’Anna & Bree, Olivier de Capitaine Commerce.
Quelques conseils pour la Guerrilla marketing, de ces professionnels issus de TPE/PME :
Tous les moyens sont bons pour se faire connaître : pas de bons ou de mauvais supports !Être conscient de ses ressources limités et occuper le terrain grâce aux gratuits, sans ne rien négligerFaire de sa flexibilité et de sa mobilité des avantages contre les grands groupesSe raccrocher aux grands groupes pour être tiré vers le hautSavoir à qui on s’adresse et aller où se trouve ces clients potentielsLa second partie de la vidéo traite de la gestion des retours produits en e-commerce. Bonne vidéo ;-)
Retrouvez chaque mois une nouvelle vidéo sur Diiink TV
Cet été, nous vous offrons un cours de rattrapage, voici ce que nous avons écrit pour vous depuis 2009 et qui reste toujours d’actualité au niveau référencement, SEO et SEM :
(We’re taking the week off from the Friday Traffic Report podcast. But I couldn’t slack off in good conscience without first sharing some great link building information.)
Getting links is one of the biggest chores any website owner has to do. And no matter what you do to get links, its easily one of the most maddening chores we have to accomplish to get those prized rankings in the engines and direct traffic from key places around the web.
Below is a list of resources for getting links I think you’ll enjoy.
Recent Blog Posts
SEOmoz | How to Get Links in Tough Industries
Howdy SEOmozzers I’m Paddy Moogan I work for Distilled in the UK office. This is my first SEOmoz post, hope you find it useful and I look forward to your feedback. How this post came together… A few weeks ago we decided to try to help …
Achieving Good Sales Through Link Popularity
Aim at getting links that have the domain names trusted and preferred by search engines. Usually, the gov and edu domain names are the most trusted domain names by the search engines. If you are able to catch these to have their inbound …
All About Links And Getting Links
The question that comes up time after time is how to get other sites to link back to yours. Creating great content, or other unique things, is one very good way to make another webmaster want to send his users to your site. …
Link Building Videos
How To Get More Backlinks
Begin the process of getting more keyword specific backlinks.
Getting Links & Traffic From Facebook
A 05'34 video showcasing some Facebook stats, the quick sign up & login process, and how to add links on your profile to attract visitors to your blogs/websites.
SEO Link Building 101
Learn the types of links that help you rank better and help you make sales.
Hopefully you found some link building inspiration in the above resources. Getting links, meaningful links that actually help you with direct traffic and/or better search engine rankings, is not easy work. But the reward is worth the work any day of the week!
We’ll be back next week for an all-new edition of Friday Traffic Report Radio! Stay Tuned!
Facebook’s privacy woes have been widespread, reported, spun and un-spun to the point where it’s become the ‘Gulf oil-spill’ of the social media world. We know our info is being leaked because someone got greedy, and we know there is a way to fix it but it nothing seems to be happening.
The truth is, in the end, people don’t like the fact that their personal information isn’t safe, but they aren’t going to do anything about it except stay put and keep their account activity in motion. This is an obvious conclusion seeing that Facebook recently hit the 500 million user milestone.
Adding insult to injury, a ‘jedi’ developer for Nmap Security scanner created a program that broke into 100 million Facebook users and leaked their information for anyone to download. That’s 20% of Facebook!
Funny thing is, a list of the major companies that downloaded it was released containing AT&T, Novell, Viacom, Wells Fargo, and oddly enough the Church of Scientology.
But once again, Facebook has had holes poked all through its thin shell. This time around it’s not as detrimental because, of course, they were hacked. The thing that’s hurting Facebook is the fact that there is something that could be done, but they aren’t willing to do it.
Facebook could up their security features to protect their precious users, but doing so could hurt their relationship with Google and the other big SE’s. Allowing Google to crawl all over Facebook makes Facebook more and more an integral part of online personal data.
So for now, it appears that keeping leverage with Google is more important than protecting the people that make what they do possible.
I’m not leaving Facebook, and I think the pros vastly outweigh the cons of security issues, but do you think Facebook should be sacrificing more for us? Or would sacrificing for our privacy make Facebook a less effective place for us marketers?
Comment Below and share your thoughts!
My friend Gideon Shalwick has released a new video quick call eBook blog - the new Way To easily dominate your niche thanks to YouTube. 92 Page report should exit at 10 H tomorrow but I see that the page sales are direct now I figure, I give you guys come to begin before the crowds.
Quick video blogs teaches the exact method Gideon to enter several times to dominate and invoice a niche like - within days!The eBook is complete libre.Parmi highlights:
The exact same model Gideon to create lists of e-mail in the tens of thousands and cash in six figures.How to remove completely any constraint or a reluctance to produce quality videos, as easily as of talk about the configuration of your fridge.Gideon makes 600% faster to create videos that systematic videos turning quickly created by fast to squeeze every last cashflow.How process average.A's personal video blogs abandon your video views and turn into cold hard cash in your hand by Friday evening.Win an iPad Apple just to download fast video blogs
Launch the quick video blog, Gideon is give 3 iPads .Et Apple is really easy to enter!All you need to do to participate in the contest, is to leave a quick comment in the video Blog.That's it! when you download fast video blogs, you will get the URL private blog.
In addition to the free eBook and iPad contest, fast video blogs blog has some really great videos to help regarder.La first video is already and it is well worth watching as it strengthens the lessons taught in the .Profitez eBook!
Click here download fast video blog eBook for free
Original Post: I'll be speaking at the Blog world 2010
It seems that new iAds Apple advertising platform turns out to be a boost for developers. Jason Ting, a developer application iPhone, has published its results running the new network advertising Apple and it is very impressive: support of $ 1400 in one day for its iPhone app 4 iAds.
IPhone program of Ting to enable flash to your iPhone, a new feature for the iPhone 4 in flashlight LED.alors application has obtained a solid number of downloads, which has impressed many Ting was the amount of money made from iAds application.
Flashlight App LED de Ting generated $ 1,372.20 recipes in a journée.Ce which is even more impressive, is that the (effective cost per 1000) eCPM was a 147.55 $ while! It's even more that what makes this blog!
11.8% Click rate is extremely high but iAds is a new way of advertising to high clicks are expected.It will be interesting to see if the click holds in time.
As nice as providing $ 1,400 is one day, Ting could do even better once Apple ramps up to .Droit platform now, they are able to fill only 34.9% of Ting.Si Apple stock is able to sell out Ting it get up to $ 4,000 per day!
Now if you'll forgive me, I'll imagine a powered iAds iPhone app...