Sunday, 13 June 2010

Link building, development of content for new Blogs

Report on traffic today was widespread with the value.  A veritable smorgasbord of tasty tidbits for the internet marketing specialists!

To begin, I gave a shorty on the most important things that you should focus on when starting a new site/blog.Il has tons of things must be to start a site, but the Stitchers out two segments I share today on content development and link creation will be among your concerns above, whenever you create any type of Web site.

Jim Stroud launched in with some links very killer and news on the SEO cool new tool that you will love Twitter, the major importance of the new button like Facebook and why you need to install on your site immediately and even a shorty on Hugo Chavez tweeting with Fidel Castro. (weird but relevant)!

Click here to listen to the show:

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