Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Friday Humor: A Funny Video “She’s Too Good For Everyone”
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Dot Com Pho – Supercars and Video Stars Edition

After that brief abbreviation of rain last week, we are back on the Pho Ba Co patio for Dot Com Pho in the hot California sun. We had a nice turn out of a dozen people making it out to the weekly Orange County meetup, which is infinite times more than the attendance at the Vancouver Dot Com Pho. Anyone is welcome to join us. Follow me on Twitter to find the time and location of the next one.
On this edition of Dot Com Pho OC, we check out the supercars at Irvine Cars and Coffee, Sally Chow tries to resize me, Braker The Brand reviews my book, and three gadgets of the week that will turn you into a video superstar. This edition of Dot Com Pho was filmed using the gadgets featured in the video. Enjoy!
Dot Com Pho Vancouver – No More Happy Pho Edition
Things are not so happy for the Dot Com Pho Vancouver. For one, nobody showed up! For two, Happy Pho is no more. The iconic home of Dot Com Pho Vancouver has changed its name to Brian’s Vietnamese Restaurant.
Free Pho Next Week At Dot Com Pho Vancouver
With declining attendance, Dot Com Pho Vancouver has gone to the extreme measure of offering free Pho to anyone who shows up next week. If you live in Vancouver, then join the Dot Com crew at Happy Pho Brian’s Vietnamese Restaurant next Saturday, March 31 at 12:30 and your lunch is on them! Follow @DotComPho to get the latest updates.
Stay up to date with all of John Chow’s tips for making money online and blog posts by subscribing via email. Your email will be kept private and never shared with anyone.
Inbound Marketing: Some Tips &Stats via Slideshare & Infographic
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Paiement en ligne, par où commencer ?
Feedback de la conférence « Quel moyen de paiement en ligne choisir pour son ecommerce ? » par Damien Jacob via Info-PME – service d’aide gratuit pour les ecommerçants ou en devenir.
Quand on se lance dans l’aventure d’un ecommerce, il y a toujours des questions délicates dont celle du paiement en ligne. Quelle solution choisir ? Et Pourquoi ?
Un des premiers freins à l’achat à la vente en ligne est la peur de la fraude ! Mais cette crainte est-elle justifiée ?
Oui et non, le risque est très limité car il est protégé par des techniques de sécurité poussées : Code de vérification au dos des cartes, SSL, recours auprès de sa banque,..
Il possède aussi 14 jours pour renoncer à l’achat et la législation permet de contester une opération en cas de vol de carte de crédit (franchise limitée à 150€).
Vérifiez toujours la crédibilité du vendeur :
Tous ces éléments vous permettront de vous faire une idée sur la légitimité du site.
Attention, le risque de fraude est bien réel en particulier pour les débutants. Par conséquent, quelques vérifications s’imposent :
Identifiez le client : d’où vient-il ? Avec quel carte paye-t-il ? Quelle est le nom et l’adresse de livraison ? Vérifiez que tout soit cohérent. Les fraudeurs ciblent généralement les nouveaux sites. En cas de doute, contactez le vendeur.Exigez le code derrière la carte et utilisez le protocole 3D secureSous-traitez les opérations techniques : cela évite le risque de piratage..Ne confirmez pas aveuglément une commande, une commande payée ne veut pas dire validée – Il existe des packages « prévention des fraudes« .Idem pour les livraisons, privilégiez les services avec une preuve de réception.Soyez prudent avec les transactions vers l’étranger surtout hors Europe, bloquez certains pays si besoin.Quoi qu’il en soit, rassurez toujours le client le client sur vous, votre entreprise et communiquez les modalités de remboursement ainsi que des dispositions prises pour garantir la sécurité des transactions. Éventuellement, affiliez-vous à un label de confiance afin d’appuyer votre crédibilité.
Proposer plusieurs moyens de paiement sur votre site ecommerce vous peut vous ouvrir la porte sur un nouveau public de potentiels acheteurs et ainsi faire augmenter vos ventes mais quels sont-ils ?
La carte de crédit : la solution la plus répandue généralement via Ogone mais d’autres acteurs existent ! Comparez les prix avant de vous engager.Le virement automatisé via les service en ligne de ING, KBC ou BELFIUS avec des champs pré-remplis : C’est une solution nationale très fiable, pas de répudiation possible.La carte de débit : cette méthode est relativement récente et vous permet de payer via bancontact ou e-maestro grâce à votre digipass ou lecteur de carte, un peu comme vous le feriez dans un magasin physique.Les comptes de tiers ou portefeuilles virtuels comme Paypal, Google Wallet, Amazon, Hipay & Co : Très facile d’utilisation mais attention à la fraude et aux commissions élevées.Le paiement à crédit :, cetelem, aurore…Les codes éphémères : allopass, zeevex, neosurf, ticketsurf, paysafecard, etc. C’est un code à usage unique souvent utilisé pour les petits montants qu’on peut acheter soit :dans un point de vente physiquevia un sms surtaxé ou une communication surfacturéevia un site web spécialiséLe e-cheque ou la carte cadeau :,,,..Les Crédits FacebookLe paiement mobile tend à se développer sous plusieurs formes :
Le sms surtaxé ou la communication surfacturée, le grand classique !Le transfert d’argent via une application mobile dédiée comme M-Banksafe,, Google Wallet, Paypal, etc.La technologie NFC qui se développe de plus en plusCertaines personnes ne souhaitent pas payer en ligne et cette méthode peut être contournée avec
Le paiement contre livraison : a domicile ou en point relais : cette solution à un coté rassurant !Le paiement à l’avance par virement bancaireLe paiement à posteriori, c’est à dire à la réception de la facture. Cette pratique est très courante en BtoB bien que La Redoute et l’utilise aussi.Les habitudes des modes de paiement changent en fonction des pays. Il est donc essentiel de prendre ce facteur en considération lorsque vous vendez dans un pays en dehors du vôtre et de vous y adapter.
En Belgique par exemple, nous ne sommes que 43% à utiliser une carte de crédit, 19% pour le virement bancaire, 15% pour la carte de débit et seulement 7% via Paypal pour finaliser une commande. Contrairement à nos amis français qui se servent quasi essentiellement de leur « CB » et des allemands qui eux finalisent leur payement principalement hors-ligne.
Le choix de vos moyens de paiement variera donc très fort en fonction de pays et de ses habitudes, pensez à visiter les sites ecommerces locaux pour vous faire une idée avant de vous y implanter. (livre blanc sur les moyens de paiement par pays ici) Mais il variera aussi en fonction du profil de votre clientèle, de la nature du produit, du panier moyen, du nombre de transaction, de la marge et aussi de votre notoriété ! Plus vous proposerez de moyens de paiement différents, plus vous aurez la possibilité de toucher un public large.
Il y a 2 types d’acteur relatif au paiement en ligne :
1) Les banques
2) Les PSP « Payment Service Provider » : Ogone, Atos, Clear2pay,.. et les Pure-Players (Ex : Paypal)
2b) Une exception à la règle avec Europabank qui propose de faire la banque et le Psp en même temps, une solution tout en un donc.
En Belgique, il suffit de souscrire à un PSP et vos paiements vous seront reversés toutes les semaines sur le compte en banque professionnel que vous aurez ouvert au préalable. Le processus est un peu plus facile qu’en France où là il faut en plus établir un contrat VAD avec la banque.
Là c’est la questions piège et la réponse n’engage que vous ! En Belgique, niveau PSP le choix est limité et les tarifs d’installation restent chers pour les petits ecommerçants.
Souvent, on conseille aux débutant de démarrer en offrant la possibilité de payer avec un portefeuille en ligne comme Paypal, histoire de tester le marché et voir si la sauce prend avant d’entamer des dépenses plus conséquentes en souscrivant à un PSP. L’avantage est que cette solution est simple et rapide à mettre en place. Cependant, la commission est élevée (3 à 6%) et n’utiliser que ce système fermerait la porte aux acheteurs potentiel ne l’utilisant pas.
Ensuite, il vous faudra faire quelques calculs sur ce que vous prévoyez de vendre et comparer les différentes solutions existantes sur le marché avant de choisir celle qui vous semble la plus intéressante pour votre ecommerce.
Dans cet exemple approximatif montrant une prévision des coûts sur un panier moyen de 50€ entre Paypal et Ogone, on remarque qu’au delà de 4500€ de vente, c’est Ogone qui est le plus avantageux pour l’ecommerçant.
En pratique, il y différents coûts à prendre en considération pour établir ses calculs :
les frais d’inscription ou les coûts d’activationl’abonnement mensuel ou annuella commission sur la venteTous ces frais varient (parfois très fort) d’une solution à l’autre d’où l’importance de faire une petite étude de marché avant de choisir. Voici d’ailleurs un Comparatif des solutions de paiement e-commerce faite par Sheilandi qui peut vous donner un bel aperçu tarifaire des solutions belges existantes.
Et vous, vous utilisez quoi et pourquoi ?
GDrive Update: Google Drive Expected to Launch in Early April
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5 Lessons of Blogging epic from parents of five Rowdy
This guest post is by Ruth Zive Ruth Zive Copywriting.
Most of my readers and clients know me as a freelance copywriter and content marketing strategist. But the truth is, I’m operating under cover; my real identity is SuperMom to a brood of five rowdy children (including one that is a wee bit chromosomally enhanced).
I’m actually not that “super,” but I’m most certainly Mom, first and foremost. It’s a busy, messy, loud, hectic, demanding, and unbelievably rewarding job. Each of my five children has taught me valuable lessons that have informed all aspects of my life. Because of my kids, I am a better human being—and definitely a more effective professional.
There is a lot of crossover in my life—my work blends into my mom-related duties, and vice versa. My children have taught me a lot about blogging, writing, social media, and content marketing strategy (albeit an inadvertent effort on their part).
Hopefully these five epic blogging lessons, learned from parenting five rowdy children, will help you to gain traction and grow your online presence.
Between dance lessons, basketball practice, speech therapy, school carpools, high school exams, doctor appointments, and parent-teacher interviews, it goes without saying that my head would explode if I didn’t stick to a schedule.
And forget about my sanity; my children thrive with a routine.
Similarly, you will create a sense of momentum with your blog if you settle into a routine—and you can incorporate this fundamental discipline in a variety of ways. For instance, you’ll want to:
Map out an editorial calendar and write your posts predictably. Not only will you be more productive, your readers will come to appreciate your routine and will know when to visit your site for new content.Plan your blogging time strategically—make sure to budget time for writing, reading, commenting and social media.Work your blogging priorities into the rest of your daily schedule. Don’t forget to leave time for personal interests and priorities and other work-related responsibilities.It took me a while to settle into a predictable routine (heck, life’s rarely predictable with five children). But going through these motions helped me to be much more productive and focussed as a mom and a writer.
I often have to tailor my parenting style to the unique interests of the specific child I am addressing.
One of my kids will follow instructions only if we make eye contact and I resort to threats and bribery. My youngest daughter, on the other hand, needs a lot of handholding and coddling, no matter the circumstance. And the middle child will do pretty much anything as long as it involves chocolate.
Your blog readers will invariably share certain qualities and it’s important to know what those are; but remember that they also have unique interests. Segment your target market accordingly and be flexible in your style to accommodate their needs.
For instance, on my blog, I’m essentially appealing to three different target markets:
independent copywriters and bloggersc-level and marketing executivesindependent business owners and entrepreneurs.All three groups are interested in learning more about content marketing strategy.
But I tweak my focus, depending on which group is on my radar. When I’m speaking to the first group, I might write about landing copywriting clients, setting your fees and injecting personality into your writing. But the second group, by contrast, is more interested in how to leverage the impact of social media to drive your content marketing campaign.
Same overarching intention, but a personalized and targeted approach based on the reader’s unique needs.
There is nothing my kids appreciate more than lively conversation around the dinner table, family game night, or a spontaneous adventure. The deeper the interaction, the more impactful. Mommy time trumps iPods, computer games, and the latest, must-have fashion accessory without fail.
And while my time is certainly limited, I seek out opportunities to engage with each child in a meaningful way.
You may have the most phenomenal content on your blog, but if you aren’t getting social, it’s a big fat waste of time!
Blogging is a big time suck, and it can be very hectic and overwhelming. But starting now, every day, make sure that you:
take time to comment on other people’s blogscultivate relationships with prolific bloggers and industry expertsleverage the benefits of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.And most importantly, be authentic in your interaction.
I know what I’m talking about here. Some of the best professional contacts that I’ve forged have been on Twitter. It sounds ridiculous, but it’s 100% true. I was invited into a Mastermind group on Twitter; I was approached by someone on Twitter to edit an ebook; and I found a genius WordPress programmer on Twitter who solved some very troubling issues on my blog and saved me a small fortune. So don’t underestimate the importance of social.
Some days, I feel that my time is entirely consumed with meal preparation, laundry, housekeeping, carpooling—with some hysterics thrown in for good measure.
On those days, I have to remind myself that the time I invest in menial (and sometimes unpleasant) parenting tasks fuels the bigger picture payoff. Hopefully, because of my efforts, my children will emerge happy, secure, and confident with a sense that they can always rely on their Mom.
Blogging can be an exhausting, tedious, and slow process.
You have to do the grunt work if you’re going to reap the bigger picture benefits. Write often; read even more often; solicit feedback; invest in your blog’s design; learn how to optimize your site … do it all over again.
At first, it was hard for me to see the forest for the trees; my blogging experience seemed entirely mired in minutiae. So I started to keep a journal—to track my progress from month to month, noting my higher level achievements so that I could have those in mind when I felt discouraged.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try keeping a journal so that you can maintain better perspective and not lose sight of the bigger picture.
Sometimes, no matter how well organized I am, irrespective of how much I’ve considered my children’s unique needs, and even with a perfectly planned schedule and a bigger picture focus, the stars misalign and my efforts are in vain.
Woody Allen once joked that if you want to see God laugh, tell him your plans. Things are bound to go awry with children, and with blogging!
Keep an open mind. Blogging is a journey (much like any entrepreneurial pursuit) and you learn along the way.
Plans transform.Resources shrink or grow.Goals evolve.You need to be flexible and adapt to changes.
I’ve encountered this reality first-hand in a dramatic way. After six months of blogging, my readership and subscriber base had skyrocketed.
I had faithfully cultivated relationships with other bloggers and using social media. I had great traction. But Danny Iny, of Firepole Marketing, recommended that I redo my site and position myself differently, to align my offline business and my online brand. It was tough advice to hear, but I very seriously considered his point of view, and after some strategic thinking, my old blog is no longer.
But my new blog rocks even more than my old one. And making this transition required a very open mind on my part.
So I suppose I owe my blogging success to my children. And now, maybe you will too.
What do you think? Have your children helped your blogging journey? What have your relationships taught you about content marketing and social media? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Ruth Zive is a freelance copywriter and content marketing strategist. Ruth works with B2B companies, across industries, to help them leverage their content to drive business results. Learn about my corporate workshops.
Advice from the trenches: best productivity Blogger tools
OK, if you are on a Mac, you must use MarsEdit and other items in this list. But if you have Windows, then the image is much brighter.
The free Windows Live Writer is certainly the best blog editor available. I use for my blog and it is difficult to compare with MarsEdit, even if it is a commercial software. I recommend you search YouTube Live Writer reviews and tutorials, to see it in action. I consider the software to be among the best created by Microsoft and especially created for blogging.
Once again, if you are a Windows user, and SnagIt is perhaps the best screen capture (either photo or video) in software, even if I do not see this well-related blogs. In addition, it is not free.
I refuse to fully understand how the Gmail or Google Calendar fell into this list, because they are not linked to blogs at all.
Personally for me, the list of things that I use for blogging also includes HTML Editor (the blog is not only consists of positions, but pages also), service comments Disqus, some modules for the Chrome browser that analyse the performance of the site, the software development environment (as I'm changing the blog engine according to my needs)utility synchronization of files, software for the production of screencasts and a whole lot more, but they are not directly related to the blogs, so the list would be meaningless.
The list of tools depends on what you do. Basically, that the list should contain only the platform (WordPress, BlogEngine.NET or other) and the editor offline, everything else is irrelevant.
In my view, by using the right equipment is no less important - for example, I have a separate laptop for blogs, and I am extremely pleased that I have taken this decision, although for some people it would look like to an overcapacity.
Just my 5 c.
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The One Question Google Panda Has Taught Us To Ask Ourselves
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How To Set Up Your Blog Business Structure

If you have ever attended one of my seminars, webinars, or keynote speeches, then you know one piece of advice that I always recommend to new bloggers is to treat your blog like a real business. Well, part of treating the blog like a real business means making it into a real business.
Too many bloggers just try to wing it. They don’t separate personal expense from business/blogging expense, nor do they do monthly/quarterly financial reviews. The biggest mistake of all: they forget about taxes and don’t set anything aside for it. One thing you can count on is tax man will catch up to you. It’s just a matter of time. Make no mistakes about it. If you make money by blogging, you will owe taxes on it. Therefore, it’s to your advantage to set things up to pay as little income tax as possible.
When starting a new business, you must decide what form of business entity to establish. Your form of business determines which income tax return form you have to file. The most common forms of business are the sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and S corporation. A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a relatively new business structure allowed by state statute. Legal and tax considerations enter into selecting a business structure.
While I can give you the advantage and disadvantage of each, I recommend you consult a professional to help you decide which is best for you. I run my blog as a corporation because it’s the best way for me. However, it may not be the best method for you. Here’s a rundown on the different business structures you ca use.
Sole Proprietorship
A sole proprietor is someone who owns an unincorporated business by himself or herself. However, if you are the sole member of a domestic limited liability company (LLC), you are not a sole proprietor if you elect to treat the LLC as a corporation. A sole proprietor is the most common business structure because it’s the less expensive to set up. The main disadvantage is it exposes you to unlimited liabilities.
A partnership is the relationship existing between two or more persons who join to carry on a trade or business. Each person contributes money, property, labor or skill, and expects to share in the profits and losses of the business.
A partnership must file an annual information return to report the income, deductions, gains, losses, etc., from its operations, but it does not pay income tax. Instead, it “passes through” any profits or losses to its partners. Each partner includes his or her share of the partnership’s income or loss on his or her tax return.
In forming a corporation, prospective shareholders exchange money, property, or both, for the corporation’s capital stock. A corporation generally takes the same deductions as a sole proprietorship to figure its taxable income.
A corporation can also take special deductions. For federal income tax purposes, a C corporation is recognized as a separate taxpaying entity. A corporation conducts business, realizes net income or loss, pays taxes and distributes profits to shareholders.
The profit of a corporation is taxed to the corporation when earned, and then is taxed to the shareholders when distributed as dividends. This creates a double tax. The corporation does not get a tax deduction when it distributes dividends to shareholders. Shareholders cannot deduct any loss of the corporation.
S Corporation
S corporations are corporations that elect to pass corporate income, losses, deductions and credit through to their shareholders for federal tax purposes. Shareholders of S corporations report the flow-through of income and losses on their personal tax returns and are assessed tax at their individual income tax rates.
This allows S corporations to avoid double taxation on the corporate income. S corporations are responsible for tax on certain built-in gains and passive income.
To qualify for S corporation status, the corporation must meet the following requirements:
Be a domestic corporationHave only allowable shareholdersIncluding individuals, certain trust, and estates andMay not include partnerships, corporations or non-resident alien shareholdersHave no more than 100 shareholdersHave one class of stockNot be an ineligible corporation i.e. certain financial institutions, insurance companies, and domestic international sales corporations.Limited Liability Company (LLC)
A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a business structure allowed by state statute. LLCs are popular because, similar to a corporation, owners have limited personal liability for the debts and actions of the LLC. Other features of LLCs are more like a partnership, providing management flexibility and the benefit of pass-through taxation.
Owners of an LLC are called members. Since most states do not restrict ownership, members may include individuals, corporations, other LLCs and foreign entities. There is no maximum number of members. Most states also permit “single member” LLCs, those having only one owner.
Like I said previously, you need to consult your accountant or lawyer to help you decide which business structure is best for your blogging business. Most bloggers start off as a sole proprietorship and then convert to one of the other structures as they grow from a hobby to real business.
Stay up to date with all of John Chow’s tips for making money online and blog posts by subscribing via email. Your email will be kept private and never shared with anyone.
Want More Comments? Let ProBlogger Help!
To be honest with you, I can’t remember much about the first comment I ever received on a blog post I’d written. It was back sometime in 2000, after all!
What I do remember is the thrill. When that first reader comments on your blog, you know you’ve finally reached someone. Your writing has moved one of the people who’s arrived at your blog to respond.
Whether the comment’s long or short, detailed or simple, it doesn’t much matter: that first real (non-spam) comment is a milestone for any blogger.
Comments are always an issue for bloggers.
When you’re waiting for that first-ever comment, you dream of the days when your blog’s swamped with thoughtful comments the way the A-list blogs are.
But experienced bloggers have other considerations to tackle—and they’re not just about finding time to sift through spam or respond to commenters. As your blog grows, and attracts more comments, you’ll probably find yourself wanting to create the right kind of culture around comments, and that’ll dictate the kinds of comments you send to trash, respond to, and maybe even highlight in posts you write.
So all of us—not just those starting out—need ideas that we can use to generate comments on our blogs, and comments of the right type (no trolls, please!). Recently, I asked some experienced bloggers if they’d share their wisdom with us in a series of posts on generating comments. I’ll be publishing their responses throughout the week, starting today, and I hope we’ll all find it useful!
For now, though, I’d love to hear where you’re at with comments on your blog. Are you still waiting for that all-important first one? Are you reaching a point where you’ve had to reduce the proportion of comments you respond to? Or have you turned comments off altogether? Share your experience with us … in the comments!
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Promote the System that Powers Popular Q&A Communities
With an ever-increasing amount of information on the Internet, people are getting more and more specific with their web searches. Instead of simply searching for generic keywords, they’re increasingly entering their search queries in the form of a question. That’s why an expert Q&A site can be a great way to get lots of traffic and earn some substantial revenue.
And that’s one angle you might want to take after you sign up for the Answerbase affiliate program. In this review, we’ll first take a look at what Answerbase is and how it works, then we’ll move on to the affiliate program itself and how you can make money online promoting this solution.
The Answerbase software is being sold as a SaaS (system as a service), completely powering a full question and answer community. It can be integrated with an existing website or it can built as a brand new site altogether. People ask questions, experts answer them, the content is moderated, and you get some nice SEO benefits as a result.
Shown above is an example from the Q&A community. People can ask a variety of questions about cars, car insurance, car maintenance, and so on, and then the experts can chime in with their responses. There’s a leaderboard for the experts and the points they accumulate too.
While there is certainly an incentive to launching a Q&A site and populating it with advertisements to make money, it is also a great way to build a community around a brand or a company. In fact, the Q&A style format is great for customer support, allowing new customers to look up existing answers to their “new” questions, as well as connect with existing customers who are already loyal to your brand. With content moderation built into Answerbase, you can have a great deal of control over what is posted too.
With Answerbase, you get everything you need to launch that Q&A site, including full customization of the design and access to an API for further development. You’ll also find widgets, widget builders, social media integration and even a mobile-friendly site design.
The affiliate program for Answerbase is powered by Shareasale. What this means is that if you already have an account with Shareasale, you can join directly by filling out the application inside of Shareasale itself. After you receive your approval email, you can grab your referral link and other supplementary material, like ad banners in the three most popular formats: 728×90 leaderboard, 300×250 rectangle, and 160×600 skyscraper.
Rather than simply providing you with a one-time commission, Answerbase offers a recurring commission for the life of the client’s membership. You get a generous 50% commission on the first month, and then a 15% commission for every month after that. This is a highly competitive rate, especially considering that your referral has up to 180 days to sign up. That’s one long cookie!
Before taking the plunge, your referrals can take advantage of the free trial to see if Answerbase suits their needs. After that, they can choose from the three main plans.
As you can see, the basic plan is just $15 a month and it comes with all the basics for setting up that Q&A community. The $45 professional plan adds in CSS customization, a content API, and the mobile site, as well as widget builders and Facebook/Twitter support for log-ins. The $200 business plan goes even further with even more features.
If we assume that your referral signs up for the most popular professional plan, it means that you will earn a $22.50 commission on that first month, plus a $6.75 residual commission for every month after that without doing any additional work. That’s not too shabby if you ask me.
Stay up to date with all of John Chow’s tips for making money online and blog posts by subscribing via email. Your email will be kept private and never shared with anyone.
Une infographie de vos comptes Twitter et Facebook, ça vous tente ?
Vous avez une fan-page ? Un compte Twitter ? Vous suivez son évolution via les statistiques proposées par ces 2 réseaux ? Et si, lors de la présentation de ces chiffres, vous mettiez tout ça sous forme d’une infographie ?
L’infographie regroupe plusieurs qualités indéniables : la facilité de lecture, le côté graphique que ne vous offre pas vos bons vieux tableaux Excel, le côté « à la mode »… Bref, vous l’aurez compris, ceci fera de vous un CM au top !
C’est donc 2 infographies qu’il vous sera possible de générer très facilement et très rapidement grâce au site ! Voyons plutôt ce qu’il vous sera possible de faire…
Comparer deux comptes Twitter, récupérer les statistiques d’un hashtag, générer une infographie de votre page Facebook (ou de votre profil). Mais ce n’est pas tout, vous aurez le choix entre plusieurs thèmes graphiques !
Pour imager nos propos, nous avons joué le jeu avec le compte @MOTB (et @onprenduncafe pour la comparaison).
Ici, sont mis en avant les principales statistiques de votre compte Twitter VS celui comparé, des ratios de followers/followings à la répartition géographique de vos followers en passant par vos mentions sur les 4 dernières semaines. Vous vous imaginez maintenant en réunion de présentation des chiffres ? Pas mal non ?
Et sur Facebook…
Ici, rien de révolutionnaire en soi, mettra en image vos insights classiques : nombre de fans, répartition géographique, genre…
Maintenant que vous êtes fin prêts pour vos réunions de présentations, nous vous souhaitons bon courage !
Source : blogdumodérateur
Dot Com Pho – OMG! It’s Raining In The OC Edition

Believe it or not, it does rain in the OC. It’s a rare event but when it happens, Orange County does a fairly good imitation of what life is like for the Vancouver Dot Com crew. Not only did the rain drove us out of the Pho Ba Co patio, it drove us out of Pho Ba Co completely. The inside of the Pho Ba Co didn’t have enough seats to accommodate our group. We had to go next door to Las Fajitas Mexican Grill.
We had a full house of 18 people making out to Dot Com fiesta. We created one long table near the wall to seat everyone. If you would like to join us for a future Dot Com Pho meetup, follow me on Twitter to find the time and place. We do this every Saturday (unless I’m out of town).
For this edition of Dot Com Pho, we check out the new Apple iPad, test the power of Verizon 4G LTE, meet the lady who’s wanted in six States, try to take a picture of the bow tie man without his bow tie, hot Mexican food, and a whole lot more. Enjoy and we’ll see you next week!
Dot Com Pho Vancouver – Rapid Time Edition
A full house of ten people showed up for Vancouver’s Dot Com Pho. The crew tried out the famous spring rolls at Bao Chau, talk about the Richmond food blogger job, and get free extra noodles.
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