Tuesday, 6 July 2010

The syndrome of "take care of your readers.

I have to admit. When I started at the beginning of my main blog, I said: "I'll be true to myself, I am going to do to make money, no questions are asked!" " And be true to my word, remember that the first thing I did after buying a premium theme was to align banners on the niche with my affiliate links. This was before any unique content was published.

Long story short, hardly make money. If I did, it is by pure chance or perhaps some random idiot purchase from my link affiliate or whatsoever.But then since I have somehow an enjoyable experience with internet marketing and blogs (I was a sports blog 3 years), I just books written on the blog of this sujet.Parfois writing these posts sappy, sometimes I express my thoughts and sometimes write posts that help people a little.

I have always been as "I do not care, it still is my blog" I would say I have always admired bloggers like service and Chow for only literally write anything and yet be completely before many readers. I thought that there is no hard to imitate that.

And then due to the nature of the niche online money brand, the blog began in good growth. I started to get 15 comments per post and the best thing (at least for me) it started making money through ad good affiliate marketing and direct sales.I thought it was really the coolest ever thing.

In the latter part of last year, I started to develop this disease. I noticed on my blog articles began to be développer.Les positions of 150 words once became a word 400-500 those and the funny thing was that which I wrote more posts, I think it is more pleasant than to write a short paragraph on things at random.

By the time I discovered the disease, and I called syndrome "Take care for readers".J ' I looked back and realized that I myself am launched due to help from others. Because they shared me those superb advice free of charge, and above all because what they ' cured 'for me, their readers."

It was like the turn. Although I also post good stuffs, the mentality behind which is more on "I want to Baker" more that I would like to help. I remembered a post I wrote about how lucrative Affiliate marketing is where all the content of these posts are just photos check I have several companies.

Just started getting down in mentality right for me.Viperchill blog came to life, and I have seen on the merits it. He was among the best blogs in this subject ever in the sense that if you're a noob you can simply go there, read his feed and don't worry for the overload of information .puis I thought, I can do that. Instead of 7 items within 7 days, why not write as 3 long positions so that readers would really benefit. They no longer need to get annoyed to clumsy feed reading.And that's how I do things now

It was quite a long journey for me before I discovered that "hey treat my readers is fun".Ses as hard as not being a College Professor, in fact it is not hard at all.If you are passionate about it yours it is surprising how much it is really easy.

Since then, I am more involved in local forums here in the country.Traversing people, helping them with the basic foods.After all this is how I commencé.Ma hand took place too!And in my blog, I started to put on the best content that I have never in my .it readers ' is a win-win situation, because they have much content and me getting met to help.

I am sure that you read this, you are reflecting GoC - that really help my readers? add value to the blogosphere? do I really need to be useful? it all matters that are not easily répondre.Juste watching my case, I began to realize after a year, once I am in any money these good almost without effort all in the delivery of compelling content.

Blogs, help people to take care of them is really fun .it ' is just a question of if you're really passionate in what you're talking about, and if you're really, you'd be surprised that you start to develop this disease.

This article is written by Melvin Dichoso who blogs at MelvinBlog point com. currently runs a competition of 2000 $ speaks blog marketing.C ' is a very easy contest, be sure to sign up.

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