Thursday, 1 July 2010

$250,000 of Traffic for only $4k with SEO

I ran across this just the other day and had to make mention of it.

Why would you choose SEO over PPC? A recent case study done by a professional SEO company reveals some very convincing answers.

Fact #1- 5 months of intensive SEO work was done  for a company at the cost of $4,000 (total).

Fact #2- The company went from 10 unique clicks/day to 800 unique clicks/day in that period of time.  A total of about 30,000 clicks over 5 months.

Fact #3- After the 5 months of SEO work stopped, the clicks still come in steadily at about 700/day.

Fact #4- 700 clicks/day would come to about $252,00 worth of Adword generated clicks in a year’s time.

Fact #5- The company paid only $4000 and they’re getting the same amount of clicks that $252,000 would get you in one year.

Long after the SEO work was done, the clicks still roll in! In this case, it shows that SEO is not only cheaper, but long lasting as well.  And even though the results aren’t as instant as PPC, the hard work of laying a solid foundation can definitely pay off.

Do you choose SEO over PPC, or visa versa?  Comment below and let me know what you think about this case study.

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